Cozy and Glam Christmas Decor

Hello all and Merry Christmas! Can we talk about how quickly this year has flown by?! 
My family and friends know that Christmas is what I look forward to every year! When I’m decorating, I am living my BEST LIFE!! Everything that comes with the holiday gets me... sooo excited! Last weekend after Thanksgiving, I was took the day to decorate my home and tree, so *first* let me show you some pictures of the adorable tree farm we visit every year, and then we’ll get down to the decor details! 

Now on to the decorating! Let’s start with the Kitchen.

Above the sink, I DIY’d this snowball garland.

I used a sewing needle to push monofilament string (fishing line) through the poms.

It was half off Christmas decor at Hobby Lobby, so I got 20 poms to make my own snowball garland for $2.50? Deal.

My oven display is fairly simple. I used a bough from my Pine tree. 

On the counter next to the sink, I wrapped my mini tree in fairy lights and the stand from the Dollar Tree holds my holiday candles.
The tree already had the burlap cover and pine cones. I bought it for $5 at Hobby Lobby.

Loving my shelves! 

I found these teeny bottle brushes in a pack of 6 for $3 at Target! 

I grew up with a balsam incense cabin burning every Christmas so *of course* I had to buy one for myself! I think next year I’ll add it to a Christmas village, though.

That little white tree was actually an ornament.

I used this small metal basket for my Fall decor, but I replaced the acorns with pine cones for this month.

These milk bottles were thrifted, and I see them at almost every yard sale I go to in the Summer. The ice crusted and white frosted picks were from Hobby Lobby and I used more pine boughs from my tree.

Now on to the Bathroom! 

I use the that tin bucket all year, but I just added a pine bough for a simple Christmas change.

On the shelf, the only difference I made was the faux pine garland piece and the same bouquet set I have on the kitchen shelves.

The gemstones add a touch of glam on the mirror! That mini tree had a candy cane fabric covering the base, but I replaced it with a striped fabric scrap I had. The glittered mini tree was $3 at Target.

The silver sign was $2 at Hobby Lobby (half off Christmas decor), and the wreath was from the Target Dollar Spot. So adorable and tiny! It even had the matching striped ribbon that I love having in my home! 

I draped 50 white lights across the vanity mirror which reflects and makes the room brighter when they’re on. It’s so relaxing to rest in the bath with just these lights on! 

Our Bedroom

Honestly, the only decoration I added to the bedroom was the mini wreath and a faux Christmas tree. I just added the leftover glitter snowflakes I had at the bottom of my decoration boxes! 

I love the way the tree topper reflects off of the wall! So cozy!

Before I show y’all my living room, I wanted to show you how I made my own mistletoe for half the price! The cheapest one I found was $10 on Amazon, but I found 2 mistletoe picks at Hobby Lobby for $1 each. 

I twisted the picks together, creating a loop halfway and then twisting both ends back around the “stem” to keep it from coming apart. I made the loop to hang it up. Then I used some silk ribbon I already had to tie right above the leaves and berries.

On my entry bench, I decorated with a lantern I thrifted for $4, a mini tree from Walmart ($5), and a mercury glass candle holder I’ve always had. 
I’m not sure how I feel about the snowflakes. I might move them later. The black basket is my candy dish.

I did a simple wall display with faux garland draped above this beautiful moody forest picture.

The Living Room

The end table just had some leftover decor displayed on it.
I painted the snowy canvas a few years back, and the mini tree was another one of those Target Dollar Spot trees I replaced with the striped fabric scraps I had.

Are you really in the Christmas mood unless you’ve read “A Christmas Carol”? And how cute is this fairy light building I found at Target? Seriously, Hobby Lobby and a Target for the win this year.

I like the outcome of my glam Christmas village on my coffee table. I’m obsessed with these trendy white houses right now! I used the rest of my mini bottle brush trees and nestled the homes among candle jars fillers- various pearls, gemstones, and diamonds.

This branch/antler was actually an ornament, but I cut off the string and nestled it in the mix.

The TV stand! I think I’m just overhyped because it’s my first year to display my new lighted garland. It looks gorgeous to me! 

I tried to keep the decorations simple, but I had so much glassware and gemstones leftover, I created this display on a silver tray I found at the Dollar Tree. The pearl necklace was thrifted (the clasp was broken).

I’m loving our first stockings! I got these snowflake stocking holders for buy 1 get 1 free! Those glitter initial stocking charms are actually ornaments from Walmart for $1.

And on the other side of the TV stand is my DIY lantern with a pine bough and faux candle inside.

I’ve had this bulb strand for years and I added these beautiful stars along the curtain rod. These were $1 each and I had plans to put them on the tree, but I love this idea so much more! 

My tree has a snow blanket tree skirt. At the beginning of the month I like to display aesthetic gift bags under the tree.

My tree has different ornaments of black, silver, and white.

I’m typing up this blog sitting next to the tree with a cup of coffee. Now that the decorating is done, I can focus on finishing my Christmas gift list! I hope this gave y’all some inspiration for lighting your home this holiday season.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have a happy and safe holiday!


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