2 Thankful Tree Ideas

Thankfulness has been ringing in my ears all month long! But what's wrong with that? Oh nothing. It's good to be thankful all year long, but with Thanksgiving coming around, I have done so many projects regarding thankfulness in Tiny Tots at Church, at Preschool, at home teaching Ben... but I still cannot seem to run out of things to be thankful for!
Here are a couple Thankful Tree examples I'll share with you:
                              This is the one we did in Tiny Tots last Sunday.

I glued a leafless tree onto the paper, and cut out some leaves.
Then, one at a time, I asked them to name 5 things they were thankful for or glad that God gave them. they stuck on the leaves, and I outlined each leaf with some glitter glue.
And this is the one we did in school at home:
This one is my favorite, I think. Probably because each leaf has something on it that they're thankful for! Since the beginning of November, we have been putting a Thankful leaf on the branches every day. It's filling up rather nicely!

I'm going to read every leaf on Thanksgiving Day, I think.

I hope this helped or inspired you to do something like this for your class/kids this Thanksgiving!

Thanks for reading! And remember - there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! ;)


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