Autumn Scents You Can Make For Your Home!

Each season has a certain "smell" to it. Do you agree?
And for Fall time, I think this season has the best smells of all!

The smell of leaves, fresh air, apples, cinnamon and spices, pumpkin, carmel,and so many more! We all light candles in our house to capture the warm and comfy fall atmosphere.

And here's a recipe you can try to keep the house smelling like Autumn for hours!

Use a small saucepan.
You can keep it out of the way by putting it on the back of the stove.

Pour in some water and then add anything you'd like to make the perfect Autumn smell.

In the pot, I poured in the water and put in some apples, some cloves, cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg.
I put it on the back burner and turned it to a very LOW setting. I didn't want it to boil over or burn! :(

In no time, the festive smells began to fill the house! It will last for hours if you add water to the pot whenever it starts getting low.

Add different things to create your own scent, like:
orange slices, honey, vanilla, pieces of pumpkin. . .  anything you'd like!
Just add the water, place it on the stove, turn the burner down low, add in your scents, and get ready to smell Autumn!

It has such a warm, and inviting smell for any guests who come over to visit!


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