Decorating your Hutch and Tree
Here is our Hutch decorated for Christmas. It's perfect for those trying to get a homey/rustic feel to their decor.
Here is the very top shelf of the hutch:
These are the same jars I used in my Fall decor. I kept the twigs, but removed the wheat.
To give it a "Christmas-y" look, I added dried weeds and greenery. I also tied a big red ribbon around the jars as well, and that seemed to add the right touch.
Here's a simple idea: Tie some decorated ribbon around your hurricane vases.
Hang up some knitted mittens from the shelf.
Now for the second shelf: It's filled with mostly knickknacks we already had from Christmases past. The doily in the center, hanging over the edge, looks nice though.
I hung up some gingerbread garland, and filled the third shelf with a couple of plates and a cute candle on top of some soft "snow!"
I also filled an old sled with plastic apples, holly, baubles, and cinnamon sticks.
Also, tie some twine here and there, and hang up some antique-looking cookies on pretty red ribbon.
Now for the last shelf:
I found this ugly bucket in a free box at a yard sale - but I made it feel loved by placing a candle standing up in a small mason jar. I also adding some greenery, a pinecone, and a bauble here and there.
Quite rustic!
For the rest of the shelf, I laid out some burlap and plaid cloth. Then, I added an old-time Santa, a small basket of pine and berries, an old wooden sign and a watering can filled with handmade garland.
The garland was made by tying twig balls on red ribbon.
Old fashioned stockings are hung on the edge of the hutch and with a sprig of pine sticking out of the top.
Now it's all decked out for Christmas time!
*Don't forget to add a big red bow right in the middle, and stick some greenery here and there to fill in empty gaps!
Now for the tree! This isn't our main tree - that one is decorated with mismatched family ornaments and colored lights - a beautiful sight to behold!
This year, it seems like a lot of people are going for this kind of a look at Christmastime - A lucky break for me - because I had no trouble finding primitive ornaments.
We made the applesauce-cinnamon ornaments ourselves. (Here's the recipe!)
Since we weren't using this tree to lay our presents underneath, I wrapped up some empty boxes for decoration. (Good luck keeping your kids away from these gifts! Hee hee!) I used plain brown paper from the Amish general store. You can also buy this paper... - but I'm not sure where....
I dressed up the packages with plaid ribbon and pretty wood pieces tied up with twine.
We topped off the tree with a tin star and wrapped our "garland" around it - I used plaid ribbon. And I found the prettiest kind in the Christmas gift-wrapping section.
Thanks for reading! More decor tips and pics coming soon!
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